Tag: comic book
Poop Office – The Elevaturd
I’m happy to announce the premiere of my Scott McCloud-style (i.e. the monitor is a window, not a page) comic called the Elevaturd. Enjoy!
Click here or the image above to read it!
Awesome Con D.C. 2014 Aftermath
This past weekend’s Awesome Con in Washington DC was a fantastic show! It was great to meet people in the nation’s capital and introduce them to the wonders of Poop Office. Also, I got to see Cary Elwes behind a curtain from far away! I didn’t have to wait in line or nothing!
Here are some fun quotes overheard at my table this year:
- [Speaking to her child] Let’s go.
- As soon as I heard the word “poop” it changed my life.
- Do they poop humans? Because I just learned where babies come from and I don’t like it!
- I can’t decide if this is brilliant or horrible.
- The disgustingness drew me in.
- [To child] Read this comic. This is what office life is like. That really happens!
- [Looking at cover to issue #4] Hopefully that’s lemonade.
- I want a poop plushie, but my parents won’t let me! [Later came back and got one]
- What’s “2 Girls 1 Mug”? I don’t get it.
- Do you ever regret making your comic about poop?
- Oh look, there’s urine in that water cooler.
- [Speaking on a cell phone] Yeah, I’m over here at the poop table.
- Can you make [a comic] about Congress?