Author: Naked Grape Comics
Poop Office – The Elevaturd
I’m happy to announce the premiere of my Scott McCloud-style (i.e. the monitor is a window, not a page) comic called the Elevaturd. Enjoy!
Click here or the image above to read it!
Free Comic Book Day at Gorilla King Comics!
Free Comic Book Day or Free Crap Book Day! Eh? Get it?
If you live in the Baltimore area, stop by Gorilla King Comics this Saturday, May 3 for FCBD, where you can pick up, among other things, free copies of Poop Office! These are sampler issues that also include select 8-Panel Epics. Originally sold at conventions, these issues are now free (while supplies last)!
Awesome Con D.C. 2014 Aftermath
This past weekend’s Awesome Con in Washington DC was a fantastic show! It was great to meet people in the nation’s capital and introduce them to the wonders of Poop Office. Also, I got to see Cary Elwes behind a curtain from far away! I didn’t have to wait in line or nothing!
Here are some fun quotes overheard at my table this year:
- [Speaking to her child] Let’s go.
- As soon as I heard the word “poop” it changed my life.
- Do they poop humans? Because I just learned where babies come from and I don’t like it!
- I can’t decide if this is brilliant or horrible.
- The disgustingness drew me in.
- [To child] Read this comic. This is what office life is like. That really happens!
- [Looking at cover to issue #4] Hopefully that’s lemonade.
- I want a poop plushie, but my parents won’t let me! [Later came back and got one]
- What’s “2 Girls 1 Mug”? I don’t get it.
- Do you ever regret making your comic about poop?
- Oh look, there’s urine in that water cooler.
- [Speaking on a cell phone] Yeah, I’m over here at the poop table.
- Can you make [a comic] about Congress?