Poop Office – Tales from an Office Staffed by Poop – Now Available for Purchase

If you’re at the Baltimore Comic-Con this weekend, stop by my table A61 in Artist Alley to pick up the new book.

If for some strange reason you’re not in Baltimore, you can order a copy using the internet! Both the print and digital versions are now available through the new Naked Grape Comics Store.

Poop Office - Tales from an Office Staffed by Poop

Available Now!

The print version is actually sold through Amazon.com, and if you are a Prime member, you can get it with free shipping like you would most items. The link to purchase it is available here –  https://store.nakedgrapecomics.com/product/poop-office-tpb-print

The digital version is available as a downloadable, DRM-free PDF right here – https://store.nakedgrapecomics.com/product/poop-office-tpb-digital

If you’re a ComiXology loyalist, it will probably be available through their site in a few weeks. I’m planning on submitting it to be sold in their store once the convention is over. Check back in with this site for updates on when it’s available. Or follow me on social media. Or subscribe to my RSS feed. So many options!